Babia Góra National Park
Babia Góra high and proud, yet quite gentle, although not deprived of risks is called the Queen of the Beskids. This is the only mountain in the whole range of the Polish Beskids, whose peak reaches high above the upper limit of the forest and mountain pine. It is crowned with the cap of pastures, where we can find the plants unseen even in the Tatra Mountains, e.g. alpine chickweed. It is often hidden in the clouds even if there is a lot of sunshine around, which also gave it the name of the Mother of Bad Weather. Despite this, it is famous for the sunrises attracting many tourists to its peak. Its elevation and relative isolation allow to admire it also from distance. Babia Góra may serve as a model example of the environmental impact of climate. Nowhere else can be found such well-developed vegetation zones. When entering the beech, fir and spruce forests of Babia Góra, we can reach the corners which look as if they were untouched by human hands. However, a careful observer will see here the traces of past activity of local residents, which coexisted with nature.
Our logo
The logo of the Park shows Laserpitium archangelica and a symbolic outline of Babia Góra showing its peaks – Diablak and Cyl (Mała Babia Góra). Laserpitium archangelica is a plant which in Poland was found only on the northern slopes of Babia Góra and on Malinowska Skała (Malinowska Rock) in the Silesian Beskids. Those who are interested in, may see it in the summer in the Garden of Plants of Babia Góra at the Park Administration Office.
On Babia Góra, it is present in hard-to-reach places in the zone of the upper limit of the forest, mostly between 1,350 and 1,400 m a.s.l. The largest clusters are present under Sokolica, in the area of Markowy Potok (Markowy Stream) (where it goes down below Górny Płaj, i.e. to about 1,050 m a.s.l.). It also grows under Kępa, below Izdebczyska and on Borsucze Skały (Badger’s Rocks). In 2015, 182 specimens of this species were found in total in those four above-mentioned sites.
On Babia Góra, it is present in hard-to-reach places in the zone of the upper limit of the forest, mostly between 1,350 and 1,400 m a.s.l. The largest clusters are present under Sokolica, in the area of Markowy Potok (Markowy Stream) (where it goes down below Górny Płaj, i.e. to about 1,050 m a.s.l.). It also grows under Kępa, below Izdebczyska and on Borsucze Skały (Badger’s Rocks). In 2015, 182 specimens of this species were found in total in those four above-mentioned sites.
What is worth visiting?
Park’s Permanent Exhibition
Barańcowa 1403, 34-222 Zawoja
+48 507 784 217
+48 503 596 650
Lift for wheelchair users
Barańcowa 1403, 34-222 Zawoja
+48 507 784 217
+48 503 596 650
Lift for wheelchair users
From 01.11 to 30.04:
Tue-Fri: 09.00-15.00
During winter holidays, everyday
exclusive of Mondays: 09.00-15.00
Tue-Fri: 09.00-15.00
During winter holidays, everyday
exclusive of Mondays: 09.00-15.00
From 01.05 to 31.10
Everyday exclusive of Mondays: 09.00-17.00
Everyday exclusive of Mondays: 09.00-17.00
Garden of Senses
Barańcowa 1403, 34-222 Zawoja
+48 507 784 217
+48 503 596 650
Open in the growing season
Free of charge
Paths adjusted to the needs of wheelchair users
Barańcowa 1403, 34-222 Zawoja
+48 507 784 217
+48 503 596 650
Open in the growing season
Free of charge
Paths adjusted to the needs of wheelchair users
Garden of Plants of Babia Góra
Barańcowa 1403, 34-222 Zawoja
+48 507 784 217
+48 503 596 650
Open in the growing season
Free of charge
No amenities for wheelchair users
Barańcowa 1403, 34-222 Zawoja
+48 507 784 217
+48 503 596 650
Open in the growing season
Free of charge
No amenities for wheelchair users
Opening hours of the individual facilities may change. Prior to visiting, please check their up-to-date status on the website.
Red Trail
Boundary of Park on Przełęcz Jałowiecka (Jałowiecka Pass) - Żywieckie Rozstaje (Żywieckie Crossroads) - Hala Czarnego (Czarne Mountain Pasture) - Górny Płaj - Markowe Szczawiny - Przełęcz Brona (Brona Pass) - Diablak - Kępa - Sokolica - Przełęcz Lipnicka (Krowiarki) (Lipnicka Pass)
One of the most interesting trails in Babia Góra. This is a fragment of the Main Beskid Trail, running picturesquely along the ridge of Babia Góra. Just at the boundary of the Park, on southern Przełęcz Jałowiecka, there is a tourist map and an educational and information board and nearby – a shelter from the rain. The trail turns towards Hala Czarnego, where, by the 70s of the 20th century, sheep were grazed seasonally. Today, the pasture is in 80% overgrown with self-renewing lower montane forest. Further, we can admire beautiful fragments of the ancient Carpathian Forest, preserved in a nearly original form. Half an hour away from Fickowe Rozstaje (Fickowe Crossroads), the trail leads to Markowy Stawek (Markowy Pond) – one of the larger water reservoirs of Babia Góra, which is seasonal. The trail passes by the mountain shelter on Markowe Szczawiny and ascends by steep steps to Przełęcz Brona (Brona Pass). The upper montane zone gradually turns in mountain pine, showing, when the weather is good, an extensive panorama whose foreground covers the Zawoja valley, Pasmo Policy Range as well as Jałowiec and Magurka. It is the pass where the national borders of Poland and Slovakia meet, marked with the white and red, concrete and granite poles. Here, we can already see Diablak and on the other side – Mała Babia Góra. After crossing the pass, there is a steep climb to the Kościółki ridge and Pośredni Grzbiet and finally the trail reaches its destination, the peak of Diablak.
Tourist trails:
Hiking – 9 trails – 49 km
Biking – 3 trails – 11 km
Skiing – 3 trails – 6 km
Educational paths:
9 trails – 30 km
For persons with disabilities, one trail of 6 km is available.
Tourist trails:
Hiking – 9 trails – 49 km
Biking – 3 trails – 11 km
Skiing – 3 trails – 6 km
Educational paths:
9 trails – 30 km
For persons with disabilities, one trail of 6 km is available.